Spoken Word: “Time, thoughts and love” by Ken Mills

I got frightened today, My watch stopped working, so,  I reckoned time stood still in my mind I thought to myself: ‘What if I could controlled time?‘ What if I played God with day and night? I’d want to see what happens after two, three years of being with you.

Spoken word: “Dear Cupid”

Please get rid of your bow… You know if you were human I would sue you for every penny you own… Don’t take this the wrong way… I just don’t like you… You are portrayed as a child! So that makes hitting you a bit more morally off balance…

The Good in People

I watched her that afternoon. Her hair braided into cornrows with blue and black extensions falling over her shoulders lengthening her face. Her smile wide with a consciousness of one being beautiful; she smiled at me but I didn’t smile back. I took my face away from her and stared at something distant, something with…

Bookful Romantic

So the other day, As we sit eating chips and talking boys Witty Amanda with too much red on her lips chirps “Tell me, what do you want in a man?”   Pause.

On Nights Like These

On nights like these, all I have are my big dreams, visions of what the world could be, bursting at the seams. As the days go by, they slip away; getting ever harder to hold unto. I know I’ll be as great as anyone; That I have known, since I first could know.  

3rd Prize NHEF Essay 2016: “The Educated Differ from the Uneducated as much as the Living from the Dead” by Abang Oyintare Jennifer

“The Educated differ from the Uneducated as much as the Living from the Dead”- Aristotle Aristotle understood the clear and qualitative difference education— the concept we call the granting and reception of knowledge—could give a man’s life. In my opinion, education is a distinguishing light to the path of life granting illumination as one journeys…